Seaside Moors A siren I might be, but I am just searching for love
~The sky's the limit~
101 Posts
Ooc — Kadence
@Ondine Going to jump into this one! leaving this kinda vague bc the saltwinter joining thread is unresolved

The days had pasted quickly, as he wandered along the seaside coast for almost a week. He would turn back towards the mountains soon, after he had finished his journey here. Amber eyes flashed as he took in the vast landscape, memorizing all the details so he would not be lost. The smell of the sea would draw him back to the coast with ease, and he trusted his paws to bring him where he needed to be.

Yet for a whole week, all he had seen was destruction. This land was beautiful, that was true, but the decease bought the image down. He briefly thought back to Horned Owl Valley, his birthplace, where the owls flew free and he built his nest out of their soft down and feathers. 

Sighing softly, he turned inland to check out the plains he had scoped out at the grove of trees near the coast. The destruction was worst there, and he stepped into the bodies of some dead locusts. The silent and loneliness of the moors where familiar to him, and he felt shock run through him when he thought he heard a wolf's voice. Prickling his ears, he turned towards the sound, paws picking up and he sprinted towards it.
The flowers are in bloom as the birds will tell, it's a beautiful day to be burning in hell.
Messages In This Thread
RE: A siren I might be, but I am just searching for love - by Slancio - May 06, 2016, 04:33 AM