Seaside Moors A siren I might be, but I am just searching for love
~The sky's the limit~
101 Posts
Ooc — Kadence
that new avatar looks amazing <33

The shape of the other wolf became clearer as he approached, and he let himself feel the freedom of running, skidding slightly against the earth as he ran. The air was musky and and thick, yet his tail wagged in excitment at the prspect of meeting new friends. He could hear the wolf's humming now, a pretty sound floating through the air. He gave a short hum of his own, his deeper voice harmonitizing with hers for a moment.

When she noticed him, she growled softly. Realising she was probably threatened by his running, he slowed, paws coming to a halt on the earth. Panting slightly, he trotted towards her at a slower speed, tail wagging and ears up to show he meant no harm.
The flowers are in bloom as the birds will tell, it's a beautiful day to be burning in hell.
Messages In This Thread
RE: A siren I might be, but I am just searching for love - by Slancio - May 06, 2016, 05:17 AM