Raven's Watch The blood of the covenant runs deeper than the water of the womb
~The sky's the limit~
101 Posts
Ooc — Kadence
I love how Slancio's name literally represents him. Music and Owls <33

The stranger's grin only seemed to widen before replying to his question. A small chuckle escaped Slancio when he heard the reply. "Yeah, sure, What could a wolf as hot as you be doing up here then?" He quipped, playing along. When the auburn pelted wolf smirked and said something about being fit, Slancio found himself laughing. "If that's true, then you must be very fit indeed." He felt a sense of ease. Slancio liked having friends, and having a companion up here in these mountains would sure be fun.

The quicksilver wolf grinned when the stranger mentioned joking, then gave his reason about being here. "I know that feeling, " He sympathised with the stranger, "I'm running a little free from my pack too. It's nice down there, but wild spirits like me and you would still like to wander around." Slancio was plesantly surprised when the other male introduced himself first, as Teagan, then called him handsome. Stifling a laugh, Slancio decided to go with it for now. "Nice name, cutie, I'm Slancio, Slancio Fukuro, "
The flowers are in bloom as the birds will tell, it's a beautiful day to be burning in hell.