Sleeping Dragon there's galaxies hidden behind your tired eyes
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79 Posts
Ooc — Allie
She did not think so in depth about her true reason for leaving Trigeda nor why she even followed Gavriel to Drageda. This was evident, as she seemed lost for words for a second. But she truly was deep in thought. Rebekah said things like they were, regardless of how it truly sounded not the consequences of doing so. She did not see things any other way, but she could not clear in her mind what exactly she was doing, to herself. "I did not believe Gavriel when he spoke of Heda and a new clan. I did not know if I even trusted him. I would not say it was my obligation to seek out this place, but my interest. I am glad I did," It would only become her duty, if she pledged herself to Heda. When she had broken free from Trigeda, that had not been the case. She belonged to nobody.

"I did not leave Trigeda with the intention to wander. When I left, I had no duty to fufil. At least not to them. I did not see myself getting what I want there," Her duty was to herself, not to another face that did not care to know her. Trigeda was a tight run ship, and while she believed that to be the key to succsess, it was ignorant. "My personal ability was downplayed. I did not see their perspective changing any time soon," While she held no dislike for Trigeda's leadership, they were no angels. Heda, of all had to know this. Rebekka would not sit while she had the ability to run. She knew where she wanted to be, and it was not in Trigeda.
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RE: there's galaxies hidden behind your tired eyes - by Rebekka - May 06, 2016, 09:08 PM