Sleeping Dragon there's galaxies hidden behind your tired eyes
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79 Posts
Ooc — Allie
Heda once again returned with a question that required her to think. It was another thing that seperated Trigeda from this place. A way of learning besides the usual beat and braun. Finally, she nodded. "Perhaps, if i'm right. I look for a place that will challenge me to become greater. And here I find a pack run by Heda herself. I do not think such a place can exist anywhere else for me," She expected no less from the Commander's own regiment. She did not like to speak ill of Trigeda, but they accepted moderacy. She did not want to be okay, but great. Who better to help fufill this wish than the great Heda herself? Such an oportunity seemd rare, if it was as legitimate as she suspected. 

"My unbreakable desire to topple every obstruction and oponent. My thirst to prove myself despite my age. Given the right context my tactical and espionage skills would have been of great use. They did not see that, as there were more far greater and older to block my progression," She did not like to boast, yet. While her combat skills were very advanced for her age, she was not as good as she wanted to be. But she was more than ready to learn. If Heda was looking for an eager devotee to utilize, Rebekka was more than qualified.
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RE: there's galaxies hidden behind your tired eyes - by Rebekka - May 07, 2016, 08:00 PM