Give me a fish, I'll eat for a day, teach me how to fish, I'll eat for a lifetime(J)
338 Posts
Ooc — Me
Pump listened to her carefully and was a bit surprised by the fact that most people, who had wanted to join her pack lately, were rather confident of their skills. No place for humbleness, when she had requested them to show themselves from the best side possible. However, she was not easily charmed by pretty speech, which may or may not be true, therefore she remained neutral and thoughtful. Ragnar would surely agree to test the girl's fighting skills. Hunting? Under different circumstances she would have asked for Kennedy's help, since he was a better hunter than her, but she doubted that he would offer any assistance to her now. Diluculo? Maybe...

"Tell me of your past," Pump questened her further, because by now she had learned that the past mattered just as much as present.
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