Hushed Willows know the differences between the walkers and the sleepers
all you did will be undone
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He didn't seem to notice her social awkwardness, or maybe she wasn't awkward at all? Maybe it was all in her head. Being cooped up with one child (and a dead on in the corner that she kept well hidden) could do that to a person. Hearing about his day was a highlight indeed. She found her mind wandering as he spoke, though, back to Reek of all people — had she been in the grotto, maybe this would have been their everyday routine. She wakes up at the slightest disturbance in Tambourine, accepts visits from the father of her son, they talk about the day as if he's been hard at work and everything is idyllic —

but it wasn't. None of that was real. She was here, in a cave, and her only friends were a broody Alpha who appeared to have vanished, and this dark-pelted stranger that made her smile. Instead of hearing about Reek's day she was listening to a stranger talk about fish; it wasn't bad, not exactly. Octavia felt a slight tug in her gut reminiscent of jealousy when he mentioned girls, but put that to the back of her mind as quickly as she could.

To cover for the strange sensation, she tried to be witty. Well shit, you've just gotten here and you've already found yourself a harem. A crooked smile slipped across her face, a little forced, but the warmth there was genuine. If you're not careful you'll have Warbone on your ass, and not in a good way. But she was only joking. There was no real way of knowing how Arkham would react to the dark man's presence - and Octavia couldn't promise anything.

Just as she was opening her mouth to add something more uplifting to the conversation, she felt a nip to one of her teats, and turned sharply to adjust Tambourine. His zeal to be fed was getting on her nerves, even without teeth.