Blackfoot Forest take heart, arise, he is calling for you
74 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Goober nodded in agreement, knowing that it wouldn't be seen, but hoping it would be understood in silence. She touched him gently, though likely not on purpose, and Goober felt a ripple pulse through his veins. "Yes," he replied curtly, suddenly wanting very much to get out of the darkness, lest he do something drastic. A moment's pause was given before he made his parting remark. "I should leave," he stated bluntly, and slipped past her and out into the bright light without another word.

Once outside, he sprinted off as quickly as his feet and legs would take him, trying to force the thoughts and feelings out.
Messages In This Thread
RE: take heart, arise, he is calling for you - by Goober - May 16, 2016, 06:05 PM