Give me a fish, I'll eat for a day, teach me how to fish, I'll eat for a lifetime(J)
338 Posts
Ooc — Me
Pump listened to the girl talk with her head tilted sligthly to the side. Her story was pretty much the same as every other wolf's, who had sought here a home in order to begin a new life. She herself had been like that - never settling anywhere permantently, since leaving her birth pack. Something had always driven her further, made her look for more than being the mundane and routine pack-dweller. Finally - it had happened and she didn't plan to go anywhere else. She believed that her search had come to an end.

"Very well, Aine," Pump said after a deliberate moment of silence. "I can't promise that you will find here what you are looking for, however, there are some decent wolves you will find easy to befriend," she said thinking of Thistle and Gavriil, not being so sure about the rest, herself included. "I expect that my fellow mates work very hard for the good of the pack - do so, be loyal and brave - prove your worth to me and the rest of us and you shall be rewarded," Pump continued, not thinking that it was neccessary to mention, what would happen, in case she failed.

"If these are rules you can accept - then I welcome you to the ranks of Horizon ridge. If not - seek your place elsewhere."
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