Sunbeam Lair I don't know where she is, but I brought fish!
Kyyneleitä virtaa vasta alakerrassa.
210 Posts
Ooc — Marie
Standing as frozen as his voice was cold, he waited for the chieftess. He was excited to see how she would react to his first caught fish ever, and couldn't wait to try it with her. If it was good, Jolon would fish for the time being. At least fish didn't make him run from place to place, though it did take more concentration. 

After not even so very long, a shadow approached, one that was petite and shaped like the dragoness. He could recognize her anywhere, having been with her for so very long. He adjusted his tail to between the two women, as that was his place, and then placed the dead, slippery fish on the ground. It was actually quite a big catch. Sure, it wouldn't keep him or anyone going for long, but it was something. He simply sparkled with pride, for this was really something after all his groundwork he had done for hunting. At her questions, he shook his massive black head. Not as difficult as catching a fox, yet not as easy as catching a rabbit. He replied.

Sucky post, excuse meh XD
A Man with Two Souls
A Power that Mercilessly Controls
Please Someone Help him with this Demon
Make this Free Spirit a Freeman
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RE: I don't know where she is, but I brought fish! - by Jolon - May 27, 2016, 04:44 PM