Sunbeam Lair I don't know where she is, but I brought fish!
Kyyneleitä virtaa vasta alakerrassa.
210 Posts
Ooc — Marie
A proud look painted the normally cold man as the dragoness looked his catch over. Perhaps if it had been anyone else looking at his meal-their meal- he would've attacked right now, for such drastic matters applied to these dreadful times. We are all struggling. he replied happier than he had intended. He was not happy many souls on the mountain were starving, nor was he particularly fond of having no plants around, but his victory in catching something was so overwhelming that he almost forgot. He did not forget, however, that his little flame was missing. Did Asterr know of this, too? 

Jolon shook his head in a "no". No one. He answered. But if anyone is, they are doing a good job of hiding it. We will find them, though, right Squirrel? He chipped to the sister of his flame. He nosed the fish a bit closer to Asterr to indicate she could have a piece if she wanted before commenting. We are able, though I am not sure about the rest. jolon replied. Speaking about the rest, have you seen Ezimette around lately?
A Man with Two Souls
A Power that Mercilessly Controls
Please Someone Help him with this Demon
Make this Free Spirit a Freeman
Messages In This Thread
RE: I don't know where she is, but I brought fish! - by Jolon - June 07, 2016, 09:38 AM