Silver Creek So I crown you king of kings
confidence, charisma, character
1,647 Posts
Ooc —
@Casmir, being a bit vague about what happens here!

Saena's amnesia ran deep enough that although her paws knew the lay of the land at least a little, she was consciously unfamiliar of it all. The particular weave of the trees, once a feature of the land that she was beginning to understand, were once more foreign to her. The blanket of regrowing moss felt strange and unwelcome under her feet, where before it was beginning to grow springy and comfortable. The crash and tumble of water on water was music to her ears before her fall, but now Saena could not locate the source. She was still slightly concussed, disoriented and confused.

A light rain dappled the unfurling new leaves and the ground alike, and showered Saena's cream coat with lingering droplets, but even the loamy smell of the place was unfamiliar to her. Her brow was tightly drawn in a look of consternation. She noted a headache forming behind her temples as she passed a rotting log that was starting to sprout tiny mushrooms. The hunger of days before no longer touched her mind, as occupied as it was with forming new memories in place of the lost ones, but her body hadn't forgotten. She was skinny as a stick.

When at last she found the creek, it was completely by accident. Her paw slipped on a stone, slick from the rain, and her momentum carried her into a slide across the wet moss that brought the riverbank into view. She tumbled and struck a bruised shoulder, cried out as pain wracked her figure, and eventually recovered only to lift her head to the sight of white, foaming rapids just beyond the next stand of trees.
Messages In This Thread
So I crown you king of kings - by Saēna - June 08, 2016, 06:53 PM
RE: So I crown you king of kings - by Casmir - June 10, 2016, 11:53 PM
RE: So I crown you king of kings - by Saēna - June 13, 2016, 06:15 PM
RE: So I crown you king of kings - by Casmir - June 14, 2016, 10:01 AM