Silver Creek i told her that i loved her, was not sure if she heard
845 Posts
Ooc — Magdalyn

The boy came forward quickly, and the girl rushed forward to him, stepping quickly over the borders without waiting for an invitation. She went straight for his embrace, thankful to seem him after her long, lonely journey. After a few heartbeats, she leans backwards, her white eyes searching his for a moment. "Your father... has.." she stops, taking a deep breath. "Lasher has died of a heat stroke," she says. For a moment, she's just as okay as she was when it happened. Devestated, sure, but mostly just in shock. As the words fall from her lips, it because more of a reality to the girl, and she struggles to retain her composure in from of Casmir-- who has more of a right to be upset than she does.
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