Sequoia Coast your heart is like the ocean, mysterious and dark
the dragon of the sea
302 Posts
Ooc — Mary
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The brute listened to the pearl as she spoke of her home and of how much the safety of the pack meant to her. She confessed to him that she was a witch, and he drew his brows upward only slightly out of sheer surprise. They had also had witches on his islands; Warsaw was home to witch doctors. They had been able to enact rituals before battle to send their warriors out with the blessing of the sea and the predators within. They had given each child an animal totem from underneath the swell. Skellige could recall quite well the ceremony of receiving his own spirit beast. The animal was meant to inspire them and guide them through their lives. Skellige had known his destiny when he had been granted the spirit of the great white… he had been made for destruction.
Wondering if the Donnelaith wolves also shared a similar custom, he listened to her without speaking for the duration of what she had to say. If this woman was to have taken an animal of the ocean, he was not certain that he could have known. The witch doctors of Warsaw were frightening creatures; they had always caused the fur on his spine to bristle at the sight of them. They wore the skulls of other creatures and fallen victims; should the Cairn children do well in battel after a blessing from the witch doctor, they were rewarded with a trophy from the final kill. Many bones lined their dens, and they had always been an eerie folk. Skellige did not imagine that this Deirdre was anything like the witches of his home.
She did not want war to touch her home; he felt his heart sink inside of his chest. War was inevitable, he was certain. Should they try to expand their territory and seek land nearby, it would not be something that the other packs would welcome. Already, Skellige was proposing a contract that would make them targets for attack. Should the wolves of the wilds see that they had formed a dual pack, ruled by two leaders who had a relationship beyond that of mere partners, he could easily see others knocking on their door in search of that prosperous land. Still, he did not believe she would agree if he were to tell her that war might fall on their lands anyway. So the wraith held his tongue.
“Your pack does not groom its children for specific tasks?” he inquired to her with a confused expression on his face. “I would hope that they see your potential in spite of this.” For she would make a just leader. Just then, the brute thought to make the power of their combined packs even greater. Should the healers want to live and learn in Donnelaith, they would take up rank there under the pearly witch. They would learn the ways of the healing art and if they were prone to it… magic. The warriors would come to him on the bay. He would show them the trials of the waves and the water below. Skellige would rule over those with bloodlust in their hearts, Deirdre would craft the caretakers.
“Would you teach your magic? Your healing powers as well? Are you well versed in the way of healing from the waters?” he asked her, finding himself growing hungry for the thought of what they could have; an empire like no other.
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what would an ocean be without a monster lurking in the dark?
it would be like sleep without dreams
Messages In This Thread
RE: your heart is like the ocean, mysterious and dark - by Skellige - June 22, 2016, 04:35 PM