Stavanger Bay and i was someone else; i was something good
saying nothing, that's enough for me
29 Posts
Ooc —
The willowy boy could not help but to imagine how much fun his sister would have in the waters of the bay. It was a beautiful location, cornered by stone sentinels on either side and a beautiful twisting forest that was neatly tucked into the corner of the territory. The wolfdog could not have thought there to be another area like it on the shore, and he had done a fair bit of wandering since his arrival in the wilds. Seelie had managed to go and return with the scent of many unfamiliar things on her pelt; scents that Oxtli had roamed over with his nose, looking curiously into the blue of her gaze. What the wolfdogs did on their own time always brought questioning looks from the other.
Feeling the lap of the waves against him had set him in a wonderful mood, and the halfling splashed about with the length of his fur tossing droplets into the sky. There was little to care about, until an agitated sound came around from behind him, and the Corten boy craned his skull around to face a bristling little figure on the shore who was calling for him, asking him a question that he could not answer. Fear became hinged to him like the tossing of a mighty wave, and he tucked his tail tightly against his rear, flattening the length of his ears to his skull.
Trying to keep his head as low to the earth as he possibly could, the Tervuren made his way out of the water and stumbled back onto the sands. There, he lowered his head further to the ground and attempted to let out a raspy whine from the back of his throat. His fire-filled gaze was apologetic and fearful of this wolf who had the power to wrangle him into the sands and punish him greatly for… whatever it was he had done. Amoxtli was confused, and he wanted desperately for his dark sister to appear at his side and gaze happily into the eyes of this female to draw away the anger and confusion. But Coelacanth was not there, and he was forced to face his actions on his own.
Wiggling forward, the wolfdog nuzzled gently underneath the girl’s chin with his cold nose, and whined once more at her. His voice was no more than a wheeze in the back of his throat, but that did not mean he wouldn’t try. Amoxtli would never do such a thing on purpose. Wide eyes peered at her as if he were asking the terrifying woman, ’what will you do with me now?’
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RE: and i was someone else; i was something good - by Amoxtli - July 09, 2016, 01:09 AM