Altar of Twilight A Lone Wolf
fallen angels and burning stars
182 Posts
Ooc — Avery
It crossed the silver soldier's mind that this was the furthest he'd ever travelled before since pledging himself (something he was beginning to question, and almost, regret) to the fledging pack of Royal Fire Court. One could safely make the deduction that the purpose of this little adventure away from the packland was one, to think and sort out his thoughts, but also to allow himself a taste of what happiness and freedom felt like. Now, that was not to say that Golden Glade was not a good home for him, but ever since his little meeting with the alluring girl from a mysterious pack, the longing for the soldier boy to leave and join the said mysterious pack was growing. He'd always loved a good mystery, especially when the core of it revolved around a particularly beautiful girl with especially brilliant skills as a warrior.

But it also said that Nicolas deWinter was not ready to leave the fledgling pack of the Court, not before it hadn't been officially claimed and founded. He felt that he owed Charley Pryor something for accepting him into a home, and the good man inside of him refused to leave when the self-proclaimed King needed him most. He may not know the soon-to-be Alpha well, but he was nothing without loyalty, and with the vow that he'd made and all that, he knew that at the very least, he should stay until the pack was safely founded and strong. So he stayed, however uncomfortable his current predicament was making him, and however restless he felt whenever his thoughts wandered to a particular pale fae.

Which led him to this little journey. Nico'd sent up a howl (@Charley Pryor and @Aspen tagging for visibility) before he left to inform them that he was going on a little trip away from home but that he would be back soon. Perhaps a bit excessive, given that he hadn't been in the pack for a while, but he was a soldier and old habits die hard. 

Nevertheless, he wandered a bit further than he should've and was a tiny bit startled to realise that he held only a slight hint of guilt in his chest. Nico made the decision that he'll turn and go home before the sun reached the peak in the sky, but before that, he decided to wander around for a bit. It was night, and the moon shone brightly upon the lands of Teekon Wilds. Absentmindedly, the soldier tilted his head, a shadow of a smile flitting across his lips at the sight of starry sky before the breeze blew an unfamiliar scent across. He stiffened immediately, his muscles tense beneath the feathery coat and he looked around, a wary glint entering his guarded green gaze. He turned and walked for a few minutes in the general direction of the loner before he caught sight of her, a stranger in the middle of the night.

A strange urge entered him, an unbidden desire to converse with the female. The soldier did not know why he felt this particular feeling, but he acted upon it without a second thought, perhaps a result of the fact that he'd partially shaken off the metaphorical chains that bounded him to his pack as well having the duty of upholding its image. The scent of the Court still lingered in his fur, but mentally, Nico felt somewhat free from this duty, and it was that sense of freedom that caused him to chuff softly to the female loner, his signature bad boy, yet ever so charming smile tugging at the edge of his lips. "Hello," the greeting slid off his tongue with practiced ease, "You alright?" his green eyes twinkled as he dipped his head politely in greeting
Nico is aiming for the Scout and Mercenary trades

PM me for trade threads anytime :)
Messages In This Thread
A Lone Wolf - by RIP Eden - August 07, 2016, 11:04 PM
RE: A Lone Wolf - by Nico - August 08, 2016, 04:50 AM
RE: A Lone Wolf - by RIP Eden - August 08, 2016, 10:23 AM
RE: A Lone Wolf - by Nico - August 08, 2016, 10:33 AM