Horizon Ridge seeking purpose (J)
<font color="1E90FF">slowly drifting, drifting away;
<br><i>wave after wave,</i>
<br>wave after wave.</font>
64 Posts
Ooc — Ellie
"Surra. I am Pump the leader of the Horizon ridge," Just as he thought, she was indeed the Alpha. He made the slightest dip of his head towards her in respectful recognition of her power. It was an odd name as well, an interesting name. And just as she had repeated his name, she did hers in order to commit it to memory. "It is good to meet you, Pump."

"My pack consists of strong and hard-working individuals - there is no place for weaklings here," Surra flicked an ear as her description of her pack piqued his interest. As a youthful male approaching his prime years, the sound of a pack of strength and work ethic was undoubtedly appealing. It seemed like Horizon Ridge might indeed be what he had been looking for. He wasn't quite sure what he felt regarding the second half of her statement. To him, the wording was... not how he would have put it. 'She is the Alpha', he thought. 'What Alpha would willingly accept a weaker individual into their pack? It's bad for the pack as a whole.' He let it go, then.

"You seek home here, yet I can't promise you that you will find it here. What good are you to me and my people?" Surra's ears turned up at the question. He was not hasty in his reply - he thought for a moment, and slowly, almost cautiously, sat back on his haunches before speaking. "A very fair question." His tone was even, self-assured. "My lady, I cannot say that I am the best warrior or the best hunter you will ever come across. Not yet, anyway." A slight smile crossed his face. "But I can promise you that I have never, and will never, allow someone else to work harder than myself. If I am being honest, I enjoy learning and bettering myself. Maybe so that one day I may better others." He wasn't sure why he surprised himself with the underlying passion in his last statement. His longing to be with others again after spending months alone was greater than he had thought. "I am willing to undertake any task that you may give me. I could be a warrior, a warden; a gamekeeper or hunter; I could even be a counselor, or though I do not know much of healing, could aid those who do in finding and gathering supplies. If you decide you would have me as one of yours, I would do everything I could to be whatever good your people need."
Messages In This Thread
seeking purpose (J) - by Surra - May 18, 2014, 12:15 PM
RE: seeking purpose (J) - by Pump - May 18, 2014, 12:56 PM
RE: seeking purpose (J) - by Surra - May 18, 2014, 03:00 PM
RE: seeking purpose (J) - by Pump - May 19, 2014, 08:41 AM
RE: seeking purpose (J) - by Surra - May 19, 2014, 06:31 PM
RE: seeking purpose (J) - by Pump - May 20, 2014, 11:08 AM
RE: seeking purpose (J) - by Surra - May 20, 2014, 12:52 PM
RE: seeking purpose (J) - by Pump - May 20, 2014, 02:29 PM
RE: seeking purpose (J) - by Surra - May 20, 2014, 06:01 PM
RE: seeking purpose (J) - by Pump - May 21, 2014, 03:02 PM