Horizon Ridge Start today and make a new ending
stones and bones
897 Posts
Ooc — Victoria
So this got really long, no need to match the length! Ragnar's not usually this talkitive. xD Welcome to Horizon Ridge, by the way!

The gentle roar of the ocean, crashing repeatedly against the shore could be heard from their current position, the cool, tangy breeze that always seemed to flow off of the restless sea ruffling through the silken tendrils of his platinum fur as he shifted his weight off of his injured leg attempting to be as discreet as possible as Ragnar studied the two before him, satisfied that they showed the proper submission and thus far, seemed to be appropriately respectful. That was an easy way to get on the harsh Viking’s good side, and rewarded it with a nod of approval and acknowledgment. It was the girl that spoke up first, though the Viking realized quickly it had been her male companion that had sent up the call. She began with introducing herself and then the male, Julooke and Verrine. Odd names to the Northerner but he supposed, likewise, his name and the names of his children (when he was allowed to give them actual names that is) would probably be just as odd to them. Ragnar listened and assessed both of them in equal measure as she stated why they were at the Ridge’s borders and even went so far as to state her skills without him even having to ask.

Ragnar extended the same courtesy of attention, remaining silent as they passed an invisible baton and the male took his turn stating his own skills. Both seemed qualified and for a small moment, just a sliver of a second, Ragnar wondered if Pump would be ok with him accepting two wolves into the pack without her. She had told him that she got final say over the good of the pack — did that include wolves too? Or did he, as Beta, have the ability to accept or decline at his own discretion? He held her Second in Command, but his powers, as she had told him fairly, were limited. They were not of equal footing and he hated not knowing if he had the ability to make this decision or not; and then decided that since Ragnar was here and it would only prolong this process to call for Pump that he was capable of making this decision and if she didn’t like …the Viking had no doubt she would be the first to let him know.

“Good hunters are always welcome, our caches are too low currently. We had a bear empty several of them and one of them is near empty. He is gone from our lands now but we were not able to kill him, try as I might,” He shifted then so they could see the paste covered wounds on his leg, the only time he acknowledged the wounds before he shifted again so he was facing them once more. “He might return,” The idea displeased the Viking greatly, he did not want their hard work to be destroyed once more, not to mention there was no doubt that his children would be born if the bear decided to return for a round two. “If he does we will be more prepared for him.” That was also part of Ragnar’s new job: preparing for attacks like that. Not just from bears but from other packs, other wolves. “As for your Caretaker skills,” He fixed his gaze on Julooke then. “My wife is about to give birth any day now. Do you have any experience with being a midwife? The pups are not supposed to be seen by anyone but my wife, Thistle, and myself for their first month — it is apart of my culture,” Ragnar explained before he sighed. “But exceptions could be made if you have experience. My wife is young and this is her first litter.” And I fear for her, though Ragnar did not speak these words aloud they were more or less obvious. "As for your dabbling," The word felt strange on his tongue and sounded stranger coming out in his accent. "in Healing. It also happens that my wife is our only Healer. If you're interested in pursuing it as a Trade I'm sure she would be happy to teach you." And having someone else who knew something of medicines might be extremely beneficial to the pack while Thistle was out of commission with the pups.

The Viking then fixed his gaze upon Verrine, ready to address his skills aside from hunting. “I am guessing your Guardian is like a Warden. I am the lead Warden here at the Ridge,” Just so long as it wouldn’t be a problem for Verrine to follow Ragnar’s orders. Ragnar always cautioned that wolves were like him when it came to stepping into a smaller role (even if it was horrendously unfair) after being a lead anything because it was a hard thing to transition back too. At least for Ragnar, it was. Likely, the position of Lead Warden would open in due time considering Ragnar’s on-hold pursuit of his own pack, but for the time being it was occupied. “Pump — the Alpha and I are near constantly on the borders, but Gavriil, an aspiring Warden can also be found patrolling. Another Warden would be welcomed,” Especially considering Ragnar’s priorities were about to shift in a few days time. He was a father and leader first, a warden second. He would not relinquish his patrols but his time would not be able to be spent endlessly at the borders as it was all but now. “We don’t have any Outriders currently but I was thinking, once my children are older that I would train for it,” Ragnar was a busy man because he liked to be doing things. He was not the type of man to sit idle, bored, and lazy. “Perhaps we can assist each other in that?” Or they could do it alone, too, if working together did not sound appealing to Verrine. Ragnar was used to doing things on his own, not trusting others well.

Satisfied that he had addressed the ways in which their skill sets could be useful to the Ridge, and how they could go about earning them quickly, the Beta gave a little smirk to the two creatures behind the borders, realizing that he had not yet introduced himself. He was used to not introducing himself — usually by this point someone else, namely Pump — would have came in and made the introduction for him. He did not, as a habit, freely give out his name along the borders. “I am Ragnar, Beta of this Ridge,” He finally gave them his name and rank. “You both sound and look like good additions to this pack, so you are welcome into our …family,” He told them, gesturing for them to cross over into their borders as their newest additions. “Work hard, earn your rank and place with us. Pump and I are not soft leaders,” He grinned at them once before his face turned serious. “It does not need to be said but I will say it regardless, we will not carry dead weight. Even my wife, who is heavily pregnant with child has been active in her pack and Healer duties, and when our children come of an age where they can help they, too, will be required to apprentice and contribute.” Pump’s ideals on that were extremely similar to Ragnar’s own.

“If you have any questions or concerns or anything you can always come find me or call for me,” Ragnar was a harsh man, ruthless, merciless, a heathen to many and then some, but he was a fair and attentive leader. He would make time for them if they needed him. “It wouldn’t be a bad idea to introduce yourselves to Pump, when you get the chance. You can’t miss her. She is all black, and is a mix of domesticated dog and wolf.” It was the nicest way Ragnar could explain that she was a hybrid without coming out and directly calling her a hybrid. “Have you been traveling together, long?” Were they a couple? Mates? Or siblings? They had the look of two wolves in love but it wasn’t Ragnar’s place to assume their relationship to one another.

Messages In This Thread
Start today and make a new ending - by Julooke - May 16, 2014, 08:34 PM
RE: Start today and make a new ending - by Verrine - May 17, 2014, 12:26 AM
RE: Start today and make a new ending - by Ragnar - May 17, 2014, 05:47 AM
RE: Start today and make a new ending - by Julooke - May 17, 2014, 11:57 AM
RE: Start today and make a new ending - by Verrine - May 19, 2014, 09:46 PM
RE: Start today and make a new ending - by Ragnar - May 20, 2014, 07:04 AM
RE: Start today and make a new ending - by Julooke - May 20, 2014, 07:23 PM
RE: Start today and make a new ending - by Verrine - May 21, 2014, 10:37 PM
RE: Start today and make a new ending - by Ragnar - May 22, 2014, 07:00 AM
RE: Start today and make a new ending - by Julooke - May 22, 2014, 06:46 PM
RE: Start today and make a new ending - by Verrine - May 28, 2014, 11:17 AM
RE: Start today and make a new ending - by Ragnar - May 28, 2014, 12:56 PM