Sun Mote Copse wait a minute i'm passing out, win or lose
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what next? arunik'ra passed her amber gaze over her clanmate, noting the interest that rimmed ragna's intelligent eyes. she afforded a threadbare smile. "ruin is what was next."

she shifted upright, recalling how the den-mothers of her youth had grown grave during this junction of the story. "kalemos wanted the light -- and as he grew angry, he lost his joy in serving molech. in those days the wolves were made to move the rams from each corner of the world; it was their duty to shepherd the rams, and to take care of them.

kalemos could no longer honor his charge and turned to ekar-aktimi, his sister. he told her of his want for light and of molech's swift rejection, and she too grew angry for her brother. they schemed together. 

the next day when it came time for the wolves to herd the rams, kalemos snuck into the pasture full of guile. he told jahangir it was time to move, and that they were to go to a different corner of the world today. sweet jahangir, brimming too full with molech's light, obliged his friend's instructions and turned to the rest of the herd to inform them of their new path. the rams went -- willingly.

but jahangir's trust was wrongly placed, and as soon as they were hidden in the sweep of a mountain kalemos and ekar-aktimi set upon the rams, swallowing them whole to consume their light."
arunik'ra blinked solemnly, drawing a long breath as if to express her grief for her ancestor's folly.

"they were defilers of light, kalemos and ekar-aktimi -- and as they slaughtered their charges, the world grew darker with each killing; when the last ram was murdered the first night descended upon the world and molech's all-knowing gaze fell upon them.

molech knew the first crime of the world had been committed, and was struck with despair. not even kalemos' mastery of trickery could mask his crimes -- and molech, consumed by grief, banished both wolves into the night.

molech took their light, and replaced it with fear.

molech took their contentment, and replaced it with perpetual hunger.

molech, ever-wise, gave the wolves teeth and claws so that they could live with their burden, their curse of eternal hunger -- and in turn, provided the rams sharp horns to protect their young and hard hooves to dissuade their assailants. the First Curse -- hunger -- was kalemos and ekar-aktimi's everlasting reward for their betrayal."
Messages In This Thread
wait a minute i'm passing out, win or lose - by Arunik'ra - August 14, 2016, 08:51 PM
RE: wait a minute i'm passing out, win or lose - by Ragna - August 15, 2016, 02:21 PM
RE: wait a minute i'm passing out, win or lose - by Ragna - August 25, 2016, 10:46 AM
RE: wait a minute i'm passing out, win or lose - by Ragna - August 27, 2016, 11:24 AM
RE: wait a minute i'm passing out, win or lose - by Ragna - August 28, 2016, 01:48 PM
RE: wait a minute i'm passing out, win or lose - by Ragna - August 30, 2016, 09:42 AM
RE: wait a minute i'm passing out, win or lose - by Ragna - August 31, 2016, 11:17 AM
RE: wait a minute i'm passing out, win or lose - by Arunik'ra - September 02, 2016, 08:06 PM
RE: wait a minute i'm passing out, win or lose - by Ragna - September 03, 2016, 01:28 PM
RE: wait a minute i'm passing out, win or lose - by Arunik'ra - September 06, 2016, 05:24 PM
RE: wait a minute i'm passing out, win or lose - by Ragna - September 07, 2016, 09:12 AM
RE: wait a minute i'm passing out, win or lose - by Arunik'ra - September 13, 2016, 07:05 PM
RE: wait a minute i'm passing out, win or lose - by Ragna - September 14, 2016, 11:30 AM