Sunbeam Lair See, you almost would be gone if you couldn’t wait for me
A dragon will never bow down
689 Posts
Ooc — Kuro
The expected discomfort of being around Ukko was not there, and she’d not felt it even after he’d approached the girls. Still, not a word was said and her attention was eventually diverted back towards her daughters, smiling at each of them—until she’d heard Airi. Not a word was said, she’d merely frowned, hoping to herself that, as the gathering progressed, the girl might change her mind. It was meant to be an exciting day, not something to be dreaded or rushed through. It was a worry of hers that her eldest might encourage such a thing, though she hoped to end her negative opinion before it had a real opportunity to develop. As the others started to arrive, she’d looked passed her child’s comment and focused on them, greeting each of her tribe members with a smile and a nod of her head.

For why they had gathered was questioned, and the Chieftess had been ready to answer. The only thing stopping her had been Airi’s words, and then the response she’d received; it was not a belief of hers that praising bad behavior would assist in putting an end to it. “Airi, you will apologize,” the dragoness stated, holding her gaze on the child. “They are members of this tribe, and therefore members of our family. You will not continue to speak to them as you have.” She could not recall any of her family members acting in such a way, nor had she ever heard stories of her own choices being similar to her daughter’s. It was new to her, but not something that she wished to observe and learn about. No, she wished for it to cease, and for each of her hatchlings to act as respectable members of the Draconid line. She’d thought to separate the girl from the rest of them but, after hearing Shiori speak, she’d decided that it might be better for her to remain there and learn from her younger sister.

A glance was tossed in Hisaya’s direction, a silent message given through the look in her eyes. No sooner had she done so and her gaze was sweeping across the others as she said, “We are here in order to share and hear stories.” To spin tales and learn from others. She continued, then, by saying, “As well as for my family’s history to be shared with all of you. I am reminded each day of how many of you are not from my former tribe, and how not knowing its history can affect us all negatively. For that reason, and so my daughters may learn, I wish to share with you all the story of my blood.” Everyone would have a chance to share a story, assuming they’d like to, though the primary reason for the meeting was to learn.
You're a mirror with two faces
Two sides, simple as that
Thread titles are from Hyuna’s “How’s This”
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RE: See, you almost would be gone if you couldn’t wait for me - by Asterr - November 20, 2016, 01:59 AM