barnacles on the container ship of consciousness
248 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen

Julooke and Verrine hadn't been spending much quality time together since they joined the pack. They slept in the same den at night, but during the day they had been busy establishing themselves and doing pack duties. Julooke was rather enjoying learning what she could from Thistle here and there, and from Ragnar, as well. But, she missed Verrine.

She was walking around in the forest, searching for some of the plants Thistle had been telling her about. They weren't hard to locate once she identified each one. Verrine's howl reached her, and her head lifted, ears perked. With a wag of her tail, she immediately forgot about what she was doing and took off at run towards where the howl came from.

Her sides were heaving and her heart was racing as the traveled through the forest to get to him. She came in a flurry of white, initially passing him before slowing down enough to turn around and go back toward him. She attempted to nip his shoulder in play and in greeting, her tail wagging back and forth quickly.

Messages In This Thread
RE: barnacles on the container ship of consciousness - by Julooke - May 29, 2014, 12:47 PM