Cerulean Cape driving on the sidewalk, looking back and the sky is burning in my rear-view mirror
i better go it alone
114 Posts
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while murgash's greeting had been neutral enough, he did not expect it to be met with gusto -- quickly the stormtouched wolf spun and faced him, and quickly his voice tumbled rough from his strong features and into the crisp air. murgash did not miss the accent or the dialect; it was different than his own, but closer to his brogue than the tongue of the natives.

his tail fanned slightly as the male spoke, though the mention of 'salty blood' caused his expression to falter somewhat. up until then he had assumed dragon was referring to, you know, their type of wolf -- it did not occur to him that he meant those of coastal blood.

until he said it.

murgash scrunched his nose a little, though the crinkling expression was far from menacing. "wot, ye mean loike sea-wolfs?" he inquired somewhat thickly, maude immediately coming to mind. while she hadn't said she was per se someone like dragon, her way of talking was very similar.. but maude was confusing, and murgash wasn't really sure he would be doing his newfound buddy any favors by introducing the two. "there's a croizy one over yonder," he motioned with a flick of a bare paw towards wheeling gull isle. "oi'm murgash."
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