The Sentinels dusk, dark, and dawn in the age of gods
the last genuine mystery
172 Posts
Ooc — kae
Starbuck was delighted to see that company had found her, and not just any company! A soft noice caught her attention, and she turned to find one of the pups that she had yet heard only rumor of. Hello, my dear, she said, coming closer so that she could better fawn over the child. The girl was only little thing made of ivory and smelled as though she had been here for some time. Oh, what she had missed! 

Before much else could be said, another stranger appeared. She greeted the child first, and Starbuck was overjoyed to learn her name. Witchhazel! A lovely name for a sweet girl, she sang. Then she turned again to the newcomer. Yes! We have not met yet, I'm afraid. I was rather indesposed for a time, said the Seer, rather sheepishly. And it is a shame! May I ask your name? Though the woman remarked upon the weather, Starbuck waited to learn more of her and of the child before having more dry conversation.
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Messages In This Thread
dusk, dark, and dawn in the age of gods - by Starbuck - December 13, 2016, 01:26 PM
RE: dusk, dark, and dawn in the age of gods - by Witchhazel - December 13, 2016, 04:47 PM
RE: dusk, dark, and dawn in the age of gods - by Muses - December 15, 2016, 06:24 PM
RE: dusk, dark, and dawn in the age of gods - by Starbuck - December 15, 2016, 08:41 PM
RE: dusk, dark, and dawn in the age of gods - by Witchhazel - December 16, 2016, 09:54 AM