Sunbeam Lair Dont Speak to me like you are better
206 Posts
Ooc — Chey.
@Hisaya Up for a little Spat between Ava and you? because of the ferenemy plot i suggested a while ago? Right after she gets yelled at her In "Atlas and Earth"? If not i'll have Someone delete it..

Avannon was fuming, growls rumbling from her chest at various degrees of volume. How dare she speak to her like that? She was not of higher rank, she was not better than ava. Confrontation was nescassary at this point, she was tired of the looks, and attitude she got from the woman. Just because Hisaya was Kin of the Chieftess did not mean she was better than other commoners. So the pallid woman set forth to find Hisaya, until she came to a stand still in front of the Woman. She chuffed loudly to announce her presence, and than began to speak "You had no right. Foolish? really? I only arrive seconds before you, and was i supposed to ignore the stranger, and the fact that Ukko could have been dying right that moment?" She snarled. She was fed up. So fed up with the fact that everyone treated her like a useless part of the pack. If commoners were useless than that meant Hisaya herself was useless as well.

"I will not stand by while you cast me looks, and give me attitude. You are no higher than me, Hisaya and if you continue to treat me as such there will be trouble." She threatened and then stood there with fur bristling to see the woman's reaction. Her epxectation was to recieve the same haughty attitude she always recieved, and if she did she couldn't promise not to retaliate with more than words. She was sick of being stepped on, only Asterr ever showed her any respect. Then again she had been seperating herself from everyone since Jolon's absence, only Bonnie had been allowed her voice and conversation. Hadraniel had been offered her presence as well, but since then she had avoided others. Jolon was the only one who actually wanted her here, who loved her and valued her.
Messages In This Thread
Dont Speak to me like you are better - by Avannon - December 29, 2016, 12:52 PM
RE: Dont Speak to me like you are better - by Hisaya - December 29, 2016, 04:23 PM
RE: Dont Speak to me like you are better - by Avannon - December 29, 2016, 11:23 PM
RE: Dont Speak to me like you are better - by Hisaya - January 02, 2017, 03:01 PM
RE: Dont Speak to me like you are better - by Avannon - January 02, 2017, 06:50 PM
RE: Dont Speak to me like you are better - by Hisaya - January 19, 2017, 03:09 PM
RE: Dont Speak to me like you are better - by Avannon - January 19, 2017, 05:17 PM