We cannot command Nature except by obeying her.
maybe someday you'll be somewhere, talking to me, as if you knew me
19 Posts
Ooc — beck
The day was becoming hot, unbearably so. Although the temperature of air wasn't too high in itself, the air was wet and heavy as if before a rainstorm, and it was hard to breathe.

Eddie slowly walked toward the water to cool off, suspiciously eyeing the clouds above. "Give 'em five hours and you might expect a drizzle," the she-wolf said, looking at the grey wolf in front of her.

She laid herself in the shallow water and rolled around, tongue lolling out to cover her droopy lip. Then she saw a crab walking sideways nearby and pounced on it, but immediately ran off to Beric's side. "You can loose a tooth if you try to bite 'em. Or a nose, if they're quicker."
Messages In This Thread
RE: We cannot command Nature except by obeying her. - by Eddie - June 04, 2014, 03:52 AM