Horizon Ridge There's a whole world to see little one
stones and bones
897 Posts
Ooc — Victoria
I decided to post as Ragnar but will pp Ein. Also, I kind of assumed that Thistle was still there because it should be a cute family moment when they realized they can see. ^_^

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Ragnar had finished his first patrol of the morning — stirring earlier than he had previously so he could let time to include the Ridge’s shores — and had began to make his way, as per usual back to the birthing den after pausing by the rendezvous den he had been gradually working on constructing in secrecy for his growing family knowing that the birthing den would eventually become to small for them and that way, if another litter were to come along it would be free to use. Swiftly, the Viking moved to the sounds of his family, seemingly awake. Normally, he relieved Thistle giving her a few stolen moments or half an hour (the length didn’t matter to Ragnar so long as she got out to stretch her legs and to absorb some sunshine), there was a small measure of alarm when she did not come out to greet him right away. Ragnar ducked into the den and moved to lay on the wall opposite of his wife and the three squirming bodies pressed against her, greeted by Tveir’s cry though Ragnar was unable to decipher it. His eyes touched Gyda, and then in turn the First Born resting on Ein who seemed contented to suckle at his mother’s breast. Out of all the children, Ragnar suspected that it was Ein who ate the most but that was an assumption based on nothing more than that he was the biggest of his siblings.

“What is the matter, wife?” Ragnar asked Thistle, hindering on the worry that something had happened while he had been patrolling that bid his wife to linger instead of welcoming his presence that henceforth released her of parental duties for a time. The children all seemed fine. A little more lively than they previously had but it was a gradual thing. Each day, to Ragnar, they seemed more lively than the last, distinguishing themselves as best they could with what they had to work with. Gyda, Ragnar had found, seemed to like it when he spoke to her, or at the very least the vibrations of his vocalizations appeared to pacify her. Ein was a natural born conqueror if his tendency to clamor on top of his siblings was any sort of indication. It was a very primeval way of expressing dominance even if Ragnar was unsure they were at the point of establish dominance or even had the urge to. Tveir …well Tveir was easily the loudest of the trio, given his shrieks and snores. “Did I miss something?” Concerned, the Viking inquired of Thistle, tearing his eyes of off their children to study her face instead.

Messages In This Thread
There's a whole world to see little one - by Gunnar - June 03, 2014, 07:33 PM
RE: There's a whole world to see little one - by Ragnar - June 04, 2014, 09:23 AM
RE: There's a whole world to see little one - by Gyda - June 04, 2014, 07:00 PM
RE: There's a whole world to see little one - by Gyda - June 10, 2014, 08:52 PM
RE: There's a whole world to see little one - by Gyda - June 16, 2014, 09:05 PM
RE: There's a whole world to see little one - by Gyda - June 20, 2014, 11:57 AM
RE: There's a whole world to see little one - by Ragnar - August 12, 2014, 12:03 PM