Back Again
338 Posts
Ooc — Me
It had been a while, since Pump had left the pack boundaries. She was a homebody at heart, feeling no need to wander away from her territories and thinking of it as unneccessary. As long as nothing endangered the claimed lands from outside and the news had it that there was a new pack forming in near vicinity. She had let Ragnar deal with it, since he had seemed the one to be the most bothered by it, yet she realized after a while that she wasn't totally fine with it either and that she had to do a little investigation of her own too.

After making sure that there were people left to guard the borders and be around Thistle just in case of an emergency, she went off in the wilds. It was a little unsettling at first walking grounds, which were not that well-known and without feeling the "invisible backup" of her packmates being around. However, Pump had travelled often in her days, therefore she got in the swing quickly. She took a turn, left forest behind and arrived at the shore and it took her surprisingly little time to encounter the first stranger. It was a wolf, sitting several meters away from the place the wolf-dog was standing and looking at, what appeared to be a small island in the distance.

Pump slowed down and came to a halt, her gaze scrutinizing the stranger and evaluating, whether it was threat to her or the other way round.
Messages In This Thread
Back Again - by Athena Wolf - June 03, 2014, 12:18 PM
RE: Back Again - by Pump - June 04, 2014, 02:53 PM
RE: Back Again - by Athena Wolf - June 05, 2014, 12:09 AM
RE: Back Again - by Pump - June 07, 2014, 02:30 PM