at peregrine's vulgar outburst, lasher laughed. his was not a mocking sound, merely admiring of his leader's salacious language. when the mirth had passed, he wiped tears from his eyes with a crooked knee. ah, i had never thought of such things before, but you do raise valid points. while the orifice of a woman is made for congress, and subsequent childbirth, it is also made for pleasure, and therein they are similar, men and women.
you do not strike me as one who would immediately enjoy a ... dick being rammed up your ass, as you put it, lasher murmured. that is not an experience every man who enjoys men will undergo. it is clear to me that, in such a situation, you would be the one who gives.
as for the excrement, i can say that is an issue that has never in my experience arisen. i imagine it would be much the same if the female of your choosing did not cleanse herself beforehand, but those with many lovers are usually wont to attend to their hygiene assiduously. his eyes sparkled with mirth, and it was on the tip of his tongue to offer peregrine a learning experience of sorts, but he did not, instead settling for the lewd suggestion of, of course penetration is not the only thing that can be shared. there are other pleasures, and a woman may perform them also, but who better to know the body of a male than another male?