Duskfire Glacier you're the censor, and your job is as follows
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I'm glad, Eden said with a smile across her face. However, that wasn't all she needed to speak with Heartha about. But there's one other thing we need to discuss, Eden then cleared her throat and continued, You're in the leader ranks now, and because Tulip is your daughter, it means that she is heir to your position. As such, I would like to see her bethrothed to Cosmos. She gave a sheepish smile, though her voice carried an authorative air. Heartha had every right to deny the proposal, though it wouldn't be in her own or Tulip's favor. I have yet to speak with Sylvas about it, as it's my opinion that such a matter is one for the women of the pack.
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RE: you're the censor, and your job is as follows - by RIP Eden - January 29, 2017, 06:41 PM