Horizon Ridge There's a whole world to see little one
stones and bones
897 Posts
Ooc — Victoria

Ein had taken a repose from drinking only to be continuously poked and prodded at by Tveir and it was the boy’s loud cry of protest the gnashing of toothless mouth that caught the Viking’s attention and the savage man laughed looking from the boys to Thistle with nothing short of affection on his face. “Are they always like that?” Most of the time when Ragnar took over watching them for a bit they were asleep. Not always but it was a rare thing to catch all three of them awake at the same time and Ragnar couldn’t help the feeling that he had stepped into some small family treasure — one that he was suddenly glad he had not missed. An indignant noise rose from the First Born before he, at Thistle’s speaking of being able to see, looked up at her his eyes a milky blue. “Ein’s eyes are open too, look my love,” He spoke in hushed, accented tones not daring to raise his voice more than that volume, wishing to keep this beautiful moment a private memory between them.

Ragnar’s attention moved back to which ever child was poking at his side with a cold, wet black, leathery nose; small paws joining in on the poking game that the Second Born was playing. Gyda had sat up, and the Viking’s attention went to their daughter then as Tveir kept up his exploration of Ragnar’s side, her eyes were open too, he saw. She had cooed at him but then had laid back down and the Viking frowned softly. koma hér dóttir, koma taka Þátt bræður Þína,” Ragnar beckoned to his dark silver dressed princess in his native tongue, wanting her to take part in the exploration of …whatever it was all three of the children could now see. Ragnar shifted then, stretching his paws out so they his pads were brushing against his wife's paws, offering her a coy smirk as if it were a secret before them before he folded his front paws to allow the children the access to move freely.

Messages In This Thread
There's a whole world to see little one - by Gunnar - June 03, 2014, 07:33 PM
RE: There's a whole world to see little one - by Gyda - June 04, 2014, 07:00 PM
RE: There's a whole world to see little one - by Ragnar - June 05, 2014, 06:59 AM
RE: There's a whole world to see little one - by Gyda - June 10, 2014, 08:52 PM
RE: There's a whole world to see little one - by Gyda - June 16, 2014, 09:05 PM
RE: There's a whole world to see little one - by Gyda - June 20, 2014, 11:57 AM
RE: There's a whole world to see little one - by Ragnar - August 12, 2014, 12:03 PM