Horizon Ridge the days feel a little bit longer now.
<font color="1E90FF">slowly drifting, drifting away;
<br><i>wave after wave,</i>
<br>wave after wave.</font>
64 Posts
Ooc — Ellie
[size=x-small]ooc: yay hi :)[/size]

Surra lay still, letting the sound of the waves and the feel of the ocean breeze envelop him for a few long moments. He felt his body cool at the touch of the salty air, his mind clear as he focused on the rhythm of wave, after wave, after wave.... He breathed deeply, filling his large, strong lungs, and exhaled fully. It was a simple form of meditation that he had self-taught; focusing on one external thing, usually a sound - in this case, the waves - and focusing on one internal thing, usually breathing. He did not claim that his meditation was in perfect form, but it worked for him, in clearing his mind and calming his body.

A single ear flicked at a foreign sound. At first Surra ignored it, but it quickly came again, growing louder - pawsteps. The young male opened his eyes and turned his head to see another male approaching. He smelled faintly of Pump and Ragnar, so immediately Surra knew this orange-eyed male was a packmate.

”Hello, I'm Gavriil. You’re Surra right? Ragnar mentioned you briefly.” 'Ah, one of Ragnar's Wardens,' Surra remembered. He stood as the other male approached, with a slight smile at being recognized. "Yes, I am Surra. It is a pleasure to meet you, Gavriil." Surra returned the kindness in his voice as well, and dipped his head as a show of respect to the male who had no doubt been a part of Horizon Ridge much longer than he. "You work as a Warden under Ragnar, if I'm correct?"
Messages In This Thread
the days feel a little bit longer now. - by Surra - June 04, 2014, 08:03 PM
RE: the days feel a little bit longer now. - by Surra - June 05, 2014, 09:17 AM
RE: the days feel a little bit longer now. - by Surra - June 13, 2014, 11:55 PM