barnacles on the container ship of consciousness
marrow of the spirit
87 Posts
Ooc — Houkie
He was fast, but as usual, she was faster. Her tail flitted just out of reach of him as she danced and dodged around, as nimbly and gracefully as a dancer. Giggles came from both of them, and as she dropped down into a playful stance, with her forelegs on the ground and her rump in the air, he couldn't help himself -- he threw his head back in a gale of laughter. She was just so damned adorable, and when had they last had an opportunity to just forget everything and lose themselves in the silly, goofy play of puppies? It'd been a long and hard year for both of them, and this moment, right here and now, felt good. It was an elixir for the spirit that they both needed.

He regained himself after a moment and looked at her gamely, cocking his head and arching an eyebrow as if contemplating his next move. Then, suddenly and without warning, he batted a nearby pinecone at her and then immediately took off running, laughing all the way.
<center><font face="times"><font color="#99938d"><small>A T  T H E  C R E A T I O N ' S  H O L L O W,  A  S U D D E N  W H I T E  L I G H T  G L E A M S<br><i>like a wayward sentient spirit in the mire of space and time</i></small></font></font></center>
Messages In This Thread
RE: barnacles on the container ship of consciousness - by Verrine - June 06, 2014, 11:28 PM