i spy

Home. A strange feeling crept into the grey-hued female’s chest when she thought the word. How crazy, Robin thought, that one day she had been a free-spirited wanderer and the next she was among the ranks of a pack run by her baby sister. She enjoyed pack life; it was how members of her species lived and thrived. Loners were never as well-off as pack wolves. Still, Robin hoped that she’d be able to get into the groove of things in the Creek sooner rather than later. She hated feeling so out of the loop.

So far the day had been fairly pleasant. The air was still and somewhat cool, likely as a result of the thick layer of clouds blanketing the sky. Peering upwards, Robin wondered if the Creek could expect a rain shower later in the afternoon. She had wanted to try her hand at hunting in her new surroundings, but poor weather would likely put a damper on that. Deciding not to waste any time, Robin set about searching for the scent trails of prey. The earthy aroma of rabbit reached her nose and, nostrils flaring, she roamed over the rocky, uneven terrain in pursuit of the critters’ burrows.
Messages In This Thread
i spy - by Robin - June 07, 2014, 08:54 AM
RE: i spy - by Scimitar - June 09, 2014, 02:10 PM
RE: i spy - by Robin - June 13, 2014, 09:27 AM