barnacles on the container ship of consciousness
248 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
I love your knew avatar! He looks so regal!

Julooke loved hearing the sound of Verrine's laughter, and would gladly spend the rest of her life trying to invoke the magical sound from him as much as she could. She smiled, holding her stance, waiting to see if he would come and get her. It was what she expected him to do. However, Verrine decided to throw a wrench in her "plan" and suddenly chucked a pine cone her way. She gasped, lowering her backside quickly before it hit her.

Eyes narrowing, and with a smirk on her face, she dug her nails into the dirt and launched herself off the ground, running after him. Her tongue lolled out of her mouth as she tried to catch up with him. Get back here! She ordered playfully. If she caught up with him, she would try to pounce on him and pin him to the ground. Let him try to get away from her then!

Messages In This Thread
RE: barnacles on the container ship of consciousness - by Julooke - June 07, 2014, 04:15 PM