barnacles on the container ship of consciousness
marrow of the spirit
87 Posts
Ooc — Houkie
Thanks! It's a gorgeous photo. :D

He ran, tail flailing joyfully high in the air, for a short distance. He knew she was faster than him and that he didn't have a chance of outrunning her, but that wasn't what he wanted anyway. He wanted her to catch him. But he couldn't let her think that, of course!

She was gaining on him, and he heard her order to get back there, and he responded with a loud, barking laugh. After a minute or two more, he skidding to a stop and turned, panting lightly, waving his tail, and eyeing her with amusement, and challenged her: "Whatcha gonna do, tough guy?"
<center><font face="times"><font color="#99938d"><small>A T  T H E  C R E A T I O N ' S  H O L L O W,  A  S U D D E N  W H I T E  L I G H T  G L E A M S<br><i>like a wayward sentient spirit in the mire of space and time</i></small></font></font></center>
Messages In This Thread
RE: barnacles on the container ship of consciousness - by Verrine - June 08, 2014, 10:26 PM