Horizon Ridge the days feel a little bit longer now.
<font color="1E90FF">slowly drifting, drifting away;
<br><i>wave after wave,</i>
<br>wave after wave.</font>
64 Posts
Ooc — Ellie
[size=x-small]ooc: I apologize for the wait! :/[/size]

"Yes sir. I am not a full warden but I'm working towards becoming one. With the new pups I'm going to actively go after Caretaker." Surra's ears pricked at mention of the pups. He had heard the howl of their birth, but had not heard much news of them since then - from what he could tell, and was scarcely surprised by, Ragnar had been extremely protective over them. "Ragnar's pups!" Surra let an uncharacteristic bit of excitement leak into his voice. "Are they well? I have not heard much news."

Surra found it a bit out of the ordinary that a male was choosing to be a caretaker - the young male figured it was usually a female's calling. But judging by the kindness he already saw in Gavriil, he could already see that he may well be a very good caretaker. As the reddish wolf sat in the sand, Surra also settled his haunches back down, finding himself relaxing his posture a bit. Gavriil's friendliness was welcome. So far, Surra had only otherwise met Pump and Ragnar - not unfriendly, per se, but as a young male and a relatively new member of the pack, Surra did feel a subconscious pressure to not make a wrong move around them.

"Any ideas on what Trade you want?" Surra was slightly taken aback by the question. Sure he had been thinking of it since speaking to Ragnar - but that didn't mean he had come to any kind of conclusion on what trades he might pursue. "Honestly," Surra said after a moment, "I am not sure." He paused, running over the trades again in his mind. "I would be willing to be anything the pack needs, of course." Again he paused. Normally he would leave it at that, but felt compelled to share a bit of his thoughts with his new companion. "I can hunt, and fight, so Gamekeeper, Warrior and Warden are all possibilities - though I do not necessarily enjoy fighting by any stretch. Chronicler and Counselor are trades I have never encountered before, so they have both interested me for that if no other reason."
Messages In This Thread
the days feel a little bit longer now. - by Surra - June 04, 2014, 08:03 PM
RE: the days feel a little bit longer now. - by Surra - June 05, 2014, 09:17 AM
RE: the days feel a little bit longer now. - by Surra - June 13, 2014, 11:55 PM