Honeyed Pasture we were like gods at the dawning of the world
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Axolotl waits in the moments between his invitation and her response uncertain. Not of his invitation but on whether or not she’ll accept. They are strangers, after all. There is, understandably, a level of caution to be held between them though he feels no weariness in her presence. Perhaps it is because he is Atlan’s warrior shaman and his social obligations are as great as his duties to the deity. Even On Meares Island he performed these obligations: blessings and rituals some of which involved strangers. Newcomers to the pack and escorted visitors alike and wee newborn babes that were wondrous strangers to the Island as a whole but he was the most raptorial of his fellow Atlanians, as if Atlan’s unpredictable nature siphoned from the sea to him. He is shaman but he is also warrior and his prowess and aggression in battle has always proceeded him. Now, in these foreign lands not so much.

Social obligations aside Axolotl does not have as much practice with non-obligated conversation as he might have liked; and in the ways of women is further ignorant. Being an Atlanian has always been the most important thing in his life and the deity demands much attention and devotion. Being severed from his duties (however temporary) — with no pack to offer them to — Axolotl is found with time to think about those things. The beautiful woman accepts his invitation — to the leviathan’s surprise that he attempts to mask — and stares after her as she takes charge. He hesitates for a moment, trying to process and hide his admiration as she pauses to glimpse back at him over a svelte shoulder. In a few strides he is caught up with her and keeps pace with her easily as they continue on his original path inland, deigning not to follow her but walk beside her as equals. “I am Axolotl. Axolotl Corten.” He introduces himself to her though she has not asked for it. He does not ask for her name in return allowing her the choice of whether she bestows it upon him or not.
she spoke to the king in me
and slept with the beast
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RE: we were like gods at the dawning of the world - by Axolotl - June 01, 2017, 04:08 AM