Stavanger Bay remind him that this city burned for refusing solace
◆If you want to, I can sHoW you, what my dReAMs are made of◆
47 Posts
Ooc — Sɪᴛʜ’ᴀʀɪ
Stronger than his brother...Smarter... Kyber ponders over the words of the diety, storing them for the future use of a plan he ha to manage to somehow put together. A trap for the dark wolf, somehow, dominance. But how does he show dominance to a wolf inside of him? Especially one he can't find a mental trace of, until it's too late? Loki had no problem leading Ky on wild goose chases, but how would he respond, or even do the same? How would he strain a wolf who was crazy?

Atlan believed in him, so it seemed, and that was enough to comfort Ky a little bit in the washing of the waves. It was nice, just knowing someone out there believed in him. However, with Atlan's reveal of the strongest and smartest having house in his home, Kyber wondered if one day he might find a seat at the table with this ominpotent being. His modesty dismissed such an idea though, as he wasn't one to show dominace to anyone, rather letting people live their lives as they desired. Who was he to curb their ego?
But immediately he chided himself; how the hell was he supposed to defeat the powe his brother held over him if he kept such a way of thinking? This was the very same stuff Atlan was referencing to!

"I...I don't have an Alpha," Kyber admitted sheepishly. It wasn't that he wasn't submissive enough or anything, but he had nothing valuable to offer a pack. He was a great fisher, but that was about it. He wasn't old enough to come across any ideals that would fuel him to lead a pack, and even so, as he joined packs kind enough to let him in, Loki only messed it up for him. It was if the dark wolf was intent on ruining any sense of belonging Ky could ever come across, and that alone was enough to sink him into the depths of depression.

However, the way Atlan gave him that little sliver of hope in a happening like this, that was what he held to in his resolve. He couldn't be afraid of Loki any more...and if he were to be the dominant one in this body, then he had to act it! The emeralds crispened as the diety confirmed how powerful fear could be as a motivational piece of a puzzle, as Kyber knew this to be true. A terrified bird would often scare away attackers, and he wasn't very fond of being pecked. But it also kept the bird alive, and he had to respect that.

The nameless wolf came forward, still harbored by the diety, and Kyber stammered a full-hearted piece of appreciation. "Th-thank you so much, Atlan! I won't forget, I promise, I will try." The gentle brushes of contact was seen as affection to the love-deprived wolf, and internally he gushed a bit, wanting the niceness to stay, forever. But as everything usually did, all nce things came to an end, as the nice diety departed.
Instead, the stranger was sent hurling back to the beack, the strong wave seeming more of a concentrated push as no other waves acted in such a manner. Ky stumbed to the beach, long limbs plucking through the tide until he could sucessfully join the Elder.

"Sir! Sir are you ok? Don't be sick, please," he begged.

He stood as he had previously, seeming not even in the slightest shaken despite what he might have felt, and Ky was proud to be in the presence of such a sturdy and unburdened wolf. After the Elder finished clearing his airways, Kyber launched into a entire story of what just happened.

"Okay! Okay He came while you were praying, and he was really kind, and smart, and he told me alot of things even though it wasn't much, and he told me how many of the 'Leviathans' there were, and I was told you were one of them, but he didn't tell me your name, but it's okay, because he told me in order for me to solve my problem with my brother, I have to do the thing all the rest of the wolves do and be strong and dominant, and that I'm not supposed to be scared of him, and stuff, but I don't know how I'm gonna since I can't even find my brother, or even feel him, but just because Atlan has faith in me to do it, I'm going to because I trust him, now."

After taking a breath, the yearling looked up to the handsome agouti, hoping he hadn't lost him in the entire splurge of information Ky had just bombarded him with. He also hoped he didn't seem rude, but the boy was just so excited! He finally had a chance to beat his brother, and he was going to take it! He couldn't help but feel gratitude to the 'Leviathan', as it was all because of him that he was able to take on this task. He also was kind enough to let Atlan speak to him, and that spoke millions to the youth.
                            BrEaK bReAk BrEaK my minD,             
                            breAk it tiLL my TaLe unWiNds,         
                            fOrcE my thoUghTs ThrOugh Hell aNd BacK,
                            oR leAVe Me heRE aLoNe to DiE. 
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