We cannot command Nature except by obeying her.
133 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen

Beric nodded quietly in response to Eddie. He seemed to get the hint that the story to be told wasn't to be told to him, and he respected that.

Once Ypres introduced herself, Eddie looked back to Beric, though didn't say anything. His head tilted in a silent question. Did she want to say something? He waited to be sure before switching his gaze between the two females. Are you two settling in okay? As Delta, he felt he was high enough in the rankings to take an interest on the individuals of the pack, making sure they felt at home. He understood that there was an adjustment period when new wolves entered the pack, especially when that pack was newly formed and trying to settle itself. Everyone was trying to find their own niche in the world, and that could take some time.

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RE: We cannot command Nature except by obeying her. - by Beric - June 15, 2014, 09:43 AM