Honeyed Pasture we were like gods at the dawning of the world
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63 Posts
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It was almost incredible to behold, the unspoken agreement the pair make with one another as their eyes meet: a mute promise that they will, despite that they are more or less strangers (thought not quite so for they know one another’s names, at the least) they will aid the other in taking down the dying ungulate that awaits them at the end of their path. It serves to be extremely beneficial to the both of them so, perhaps, Axolotl considers it is not so extraordinary. He pauses as the dying buck’s antlers come into view over the tall emerald grasses around them. For a moment, the leviathan admires it. Even on the cusp of death it is a magnificent beast and it further his admiration for Atlan and all of Their creations. Just as it is easy for him to admire Maera, easy to believe that she has truly risen from the froth and foam of the Sea like Aphrodite herself, or if one wishes to get so technical, Atlan as They take the form of a woman. Axolotl himself has never “seen” his deity in a singular form beyond the sea; but he feels Them. Even now he feels Atlan in the thrum of blood as it sings through his veins, at close proximity to such beauty and for the thrill of the hunt. Two separate cacoëthes both as primal and base as the other intertwining within him.

Glacial gaze turns from the beast of their soon to be hunt to fall upon his lovely companion. “Beasts with nothing to lose are often the most dangerous,” Not all embrace death willingly, nor gracefully. There is a chance the beast will not put a fight but there is an equal chance that it will fight with everything it has left within it. It could be an easy kill or not easy at all. “How do we attack it? One acts as distraction while the other attacks? Flank it, try to keep it off guard and both attack?” It may not be able to outrun them but it’s antlers and hooves will still prove deadly if they are clipped or otherwise impaled by either. The leviathan proposes the possibilities he is able to come up with to her, allowing her to choose which she prefers or suggest a different route all together.
she spoke to the king in me
and slept with the beast
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RE: we were like gods at the dawning of the world - by Axolotl - June 10, 2017, 08:53 AM