Honeyed Pasture we were like gods at the dawning of the world
l e v i a t h a n
63 Posts
Ooc —
i rolled a dice to determine whether it fights back or not. evens = too tired to put up much of a fight vs. odds = puts up a fight. 2. looks like they have an easy lunch. ^-^ There is a teeny, tiny bit of pp — let me know if you'd like me to change it and I gladly will! <3

When his companion speaks that she believes they have a better chance together he offers her a sage nod of agreement. The fact that the ungulate lay dying is an advantage but it could also prove to be a horrid disadvantage as well. It’s breathing is labored though it rests among the tall emerald grasses and Axolotl breaks his gaze from the dying buck to Maera as she announces that she will go for it’s neck, which leads to the inevitability that the kill will be hers to make and belong to her. He does not mind her seizing the honor of it. “I will take it’s back legs so that it cannot run.” Though as labored as it’s breathing is the leviathan is not sure that it will do a whole lot anyway and even if it did manage it, the beast would not make it very far. Still, it is ingrained in him: take out even a single leg and you’ve made yourself an advantage you did not have before. “Be mindful of it’s antlers.” Axolotl does not speak to be condescending; rather his words are born out of a concern that he does not have words for. He only knows he feels it and thinks that it is borne because he does not wish to see her impaled — which is true enough.

His muscles tense and he lunges forth the same time as she does, his jaws agape as he goes for the closest back leg, teeth sinking into tender flesh that gives away easily beneath his sharp teeth.
she spoke to the king in me
and slept with the beast
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RE: we were like gods at the dawning of the world - by Axolotl - June 11, 2017, 05:17 AM