Hoshor Plains en tu propio eje, y sin camiseta, te gusta dar vueltas como los planetas
it was with great reluctance that the Goddess descended from her canyon in the mountain, but it was her duty, she soon scried, to bring Ra's light to the heathen land through fire and blood. and so she would do. she would purge the land of the scuttling darkness and shadows of Set.

sekhmet was quickly enveloped by the golden sands of the foreign plains, feeling another sense of her father's blessing around her. she was briefly content, the scowl that so often adorned her face disappeared, and she allowed a small, half noticable smile to appear.

it was brief as lightning, for the moment she saw the boy laying in the ground did she regain her composure, snapping her jaws audibly to announce her presence and unwavering movement.

Coptic Egyptian
Common Tongue
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RE: en tu propio eje, y sin camiseta, te gusta dar vueltas como los planetas - by Sekhmet - June 26, 2017, 10:15 PM