We cannot command Nature except by obeying her.
133 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen

The mood had changed between the trio, that much he could tell, he just wasn't sure why. Ypres gave him a tight smile, answered his question, and then she was off. He frowned as he watched her go, wondering if he had said something offensive, but he didn't think he had. His gaze went back to Naya.

He shrugged a little, I did alright. I mostly focused on my duties, and am just now really getting to know the other wolves in the pack. My social skills need a little fine-tuning, he said with a grin. I'm used to being around wolves, but the ones I grew up with were pretty much blood related in one way or another, so it's different that joining a pack as an adult. In a family pack, personalities tended to run in the same direction without much friction. When you put adult wolves together who have all sorts of personalities, things tended to get a bit rough at times, and that could be hard to handle for some.

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RE: We cannot command Nature except by obeying her. - by Beric - June 18, 2014, 06:44 PM