It's new and grand....but bittersweet
I want the part of you that you refuse to give. *anonymous*
1,280 Posts
Ooc — Danni
"I do not know how to do the translation thing I apologize ahead of time :)"

As time seemed to move slowly for Thistle, her husband was busy doing everything he needed to do as a new leader. He had begun to spread the word of the new home that he had found. He had been lead there by Odin; at least that was what he told his wife. She was unsure what he had told anyone else really. She did not feel safe in the Ridge anymore, in a way she even believe her husband, when he would tell her of his thought, that the very land at the ridge was cursed. As many bad things that have happened, perhaps it was, and she was not about to risk her children’s lives, if it truly was cursed.

Thistle was actually glad that rather than go after the Isle wolves, in his grief and anger and perhaps even slight fear, not for himself mind, but for those he loved, he decided to move them. It also made sense to leave, when there was a bear, haunting the very ground they held dear. It had already taken one life, who was to say it wouldn’t take more, perhaps the pup’s next or any other member of the pack. That thought alone froze her blood, and she reaffirmed her belief, that her husband was doing what was needed and what was right.

While avoiding all the bloodshed, he was making himself a better leader. He was not foolishly risking their lives for vengeance or revenge that made him a good alpha, a good king. She had never had any doubts really there, after all her husband had been King before.

For the moment, brief as it was, Thistle was calm in her grief. She felt the small inkling of joy, she could not promise any one that her grief would lessen completely in a day’s time, but it would slowly lessen each day until she could think on her friend in peace. Granted her husband’s views of Pump being in Valhalla made her feel a little bit better, she imagined Pump would like it there. And besides she would see her again then, maybe someday in the ever after.

Thistle’s ear ticked backwards at her husband sharp whisper, as of late his gruff exterior was showing again. Though she did not blame him, some days it did exasperate her, but today she could not find it in her heart or mind to let it bother her too much. She turned blue eyes towards him, the track marks of her tears still evident, but she dipped her muzzle once to show that she had heard and understood. She gently moved to her paws, and walked towards him, intent to follow him where he wanted to go. Ja Verr

She answered him in his own tongue, practicing when she could, it was easy enough to say yes husband in his language so she did so, wondering if she would ever get the hang of the language that was his, but affirming her belief that she would, she had to they had children who would know it, and she was not about to let them, talk about anything around her, that she could not understand.

Messages In This Thread
RE: It's new and grand....but bittersweet - by Ragnar - June 20, 2014, 06:03 AM
RE: It's new and grand....but bittersweet - by Thistle Cloud - June 20, 2014, 05:02 PM
RE: It's new and grand....but bittersweet - by Ragnar - June 21, 2014, 06:25 AM
RE: It's new and grand....but bittersweet - by Ragnar - June 21, 2014, 12:46 PM
RE: It's new and grand....but bittersweet - by Ragnar - June 21, 2014, 01:48 PM
RE: It's new and grand....but bittersweet - by Ragnar - June 21, 2014, 02:49 PM