It's new and grand....but bittersweet
I want the part of you that you refuse to give. *anonymous*
1,280 Posts
Ooc — Danni
,"Thistle liked the fact that there was a fresh water source. It meant, even more so that this little bay, was self sufficient. They would not have too many problems here, and prey was abundant. Granted, some of the underbrush proved hard for larger wolves, like her husband to get through, but they were fine for a small bodied wolf like she.

This new wilderness was literally teeming with life. Thistle felt that if she stood still, she could feel their life force tied with the land. It was an amazing feeling really, and one she reveled in. She shifted her paws in the loamy dirt and smiled again.
Thistle knew very well she had known the former leader the longest, and they had become friends in time. Pump had also garnered her respect, when she had allowed her to keep the unborn babies that had taken space in her womb. For that she would be eternally grateful. She had felt her husband’s eyes before she had seen or heard him, he was a silent wolf. She returned his smile, when he offered her one, as always feeling her heart constrict with good feelings when he did.

In a way Thistle felt as though in part her grief was full of hopelessness, as she had been unable to save Pump even if she had tried fully. That had filled her with its own sort of grief, she knew that healing had its own limitations, but it was still a hard pill to swallow, especially when the wolf in question was a friend. A friend that she could help. Thistle leaned into her husbands, gentle caresses. She knew that they didn’t cry for their dead and she was trying so very hard, but she couldn’t always help the tears that seemed to leak from her eyes of their own accord. "I Kunna Verr Kaerr Hugr " The words were hard for her to pronounce and she butchered it often, but she tried her hardest to speak it.

Thistle followed behind him quietly, observing as they want. Her head was often craned upwards so she could look at the large overhanging branches, or she would freeze to momentarily sniff at some sort of plant or bug life she did not know. Thistle heard him and laughed gently, her smile lighting up her eyes for the moment. She shook her head at his jest, but she gently took his place at marking the borders. Gladly for you Ragnar. She chuckled again.
Messages In This Thread
RE: It's new and grand....but bittersweet - by Ragnar - June 20, 2014, 06:03 AM
RE: It's new and grand....but bittersweet - by Ragnar - June 21, 2014, 06:25 AM
RE: It's new and grand....but bittersweet - by Thistle Cloud - June 21, 2014, 08:24 AM
RE: It's new and grand....but bittersweet - by Ragnar - June 21, 2014, 12:46 PM
RE: It's new and grand....but bittersweet - by Ragnar - June 21, 2014, 01:48 PM
RE: It's new and grand....but bittersweet - by Ragnar - June 21, 2014, 02:49 PM