It's new and grand....but bittersweet
I want the part of you that you refuse to give. *anonymous*
1,280 Posts
Ooc — Danni
"But it is so fun to watch :D and besides gavriil just got ahead of himself, it could have had potential :p I fear one of these days he is going to slip about his polygamy idea and she might go crazy! Or she may just say well fine but then I can mate with another man…just to get him to pay attention, but that could potentially blow up in her face….lmao so that may be a bad avenue,"

She shook her head at him, no they were not that far yet. It exhausted both of them, when they tried to converse with one another. They both tried and it of course got frustrating. Not yet, I think both he and I can get frustrated when we can’t understand. I know I do. Thistle was a perfectionist deep down inside, sometimes it did not bother her so much, but the language she wanted to perfect for her sake as well as Ein’s Tveirs, and Atta’s.

He does seem like a good boy, testament to his good upbringing I would guess. She chuckled at his next words Are you going to try matchmaking again husband? They would make a good couple yes, I have not met Hati, yet but I have seen her. There is potential for very strong son’s there. She just added her two sense as she traversed the borders, almost lazily enjoying the stolen moment with her husband, even if there was a little bit of work and pee involved.

Thistle turned her head towards him and caught the corner of his grin and mumbled under her breath " hœttr halr" She shook her head then and returned his smile Oh really, but you need permission from me of course as it is my body. She teased him back just as softly. She nodded you have my permission by the way, not that you even worried that you wouldn’t, and I like that idea. Eitri that is a strong name for a strong boy, and we both know I make strong sons. She smiled at him then a flirty glint in her blue eyes.
Messages In This Thread
RE: It's new and grand....but bittersweet - by Ragnar - June 20, 2014, 06:03 AM
RE: It's new and grand....but bittersweet - by Ragnar - June 21, 2014, 06:25 AM
RE: It's new and grand....but bittersweet - by Ragnar - June 21, 2014, 12:46 PM
RE: It's new and grand....but bittersweet - by Ragnar - June 21, 2014, 01:48 PM
RE: It's new and grand....but bittersweet - by Thistle Cloud - June 21, 2014, 02:10 PM
RE: It's new and grand....but bittersweet - by Ragnar - June 21, 2014, 02:49 PM