Blacktail Deer Plateau little white líes
<FONT FACE="High tower text">disposable</div></FONT>.
241 Posts
Ooc — Marie
set during junior's search party, tagging @Pura @Saēna and @Tytonidae
midl power play on the pups location, hope it's fine

The pack was in the middle of a crisis, the darling girl's disappereance had taken a toll on everyone, you could just see the exhaustion on their faces and the fear burning in their eyes, even the once powerful leaders looked like a wreck. As much as the young girl wanted to help she knew she was better off staying home with the three remaining pups rather than joining the search party. At least here with the pups she wouldn't get in anyone's way.

So what did Amelie do while the other Plateu wolves raked through every single inch of the territory looking for little Osprey? She did what teenegers knew best;she lied. But it was for a good cause, while the caos unfolded after the precious child's dissapereance someone had to make sure the pups weren't alarmed. It would only cause more trouble if they started worrying themselves. And today it was Amelie's turn to veil the truth from the infants eyes, perhaps they wouldn't like it but she was doing it with the best of intentions.

Now the pack's babysitter had the pups cornered, she was sitting in the mouth of their den while she allowed them to play on the inside, "If you want to get out of he den" she growled in an attempt to mimick a masculine voice, "Then you must solve the riddle!" she continued, puffing her cheeks out to make a silly impression of a dragon.

She then drummed her paws against the ground and shot a smile at their direction, but her eyre focused on the pale girl, Saēna! What flies without wings?" she asked
, her eyes focusing on the little girl.
Messages In This Thread
little white líes - by Amelie - July 05, 2014, 03:36 PM