Stavanger Bay The starting point of achievement is desire
133 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
Well, that escalated quickly.

His thoughts were interrupted by a voice, and his head turned in the direction in which it came. A young pup was trotting his way, but apparently got thirsty before reaching him. He watched as the pup dunk his face into the water and drank quickly, splashing water around. Beric stood, walking towards him her. Before he reached the pup, however, a familiar form came into view, and he stopped in his tracks. It was Claire. It was like she came out of his thought. But... was she apart of this pack? Maybe she had just joined. She hovered over the pup, as if to protect it from something.

Beric's stance changed to submissive as Thistle clearly made him see that he was wrong. Claire was not of this pack; she was trespassing. Beric came to Thistle's side, keeping his stance to show her respect, but his eyes were on Claire. Did she realize how much danger she was in? He knew Thistle and Ragnar were parents to new pups, and that made them even more protective. Even without that fact, though, as a former, and currently aspiring, warden, he knew it was common play to kill trespassers without warning. Thistle was being nice by allowing her to leave. Step away from the pup, he ordered. He nose told him two things: that the pup was a part of the pack, and Claire was not- she was a part of the Island pack he had previously left. Would Thistle realize it?

Beric was caught between a rock and a hard place. He liked Claire, some might say he had a crush on her, but it was extremely important to him that he be with his family. He couldn't jeopardize getting kicked out by showing any sympathy towards a trespasser. Besides, it did look suspicious that she was from a enemy pack and went straight for one of the Bay's pups. If you do not leave now, you will die here, he warned with a thick voice. He hoped Claire realized his warning was so that she understood the gravity of the situation, and leave hastily. He would have to sort out his feelings later.
Messages In This Thread
The starting point of achievement is desire - by Beric - July 04, 2014, 03:57 PM
RE: The starting point of achievement is desire - by Beric - July 05, 2014, 04:30 PM