Ravensblood Forest a graven life, the stain of her memory
Shattered windows and the sound of drums - People couldn't believe what I'd become
1,357 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Dante watched as Atticus leaped down, staying up so as to stay out of the way for now. That changed, though, when Atticus clearly needed assistance. Carefully he jumped down, taking care in how he landed. It would help no one if his size hurt he or another in the process. Nodding to Atticus he bent his legs, setting his shoulder firmly against the boulder and digging in with all four paws. They only needed to lift it enough for her to pull out from underneath. It shouldn't take too much to do so. With a small grunt he heaved all of his weight against the rock, trying to leverage it up quickly. Between the two of them they should be able to do the trick.

First Peregrine, now Fireblaze. The rocks of the Plateau seemed to have taken a personal vendetta out against the wolves who lived there. They would have to ensure that all the pack was more careful. They could hardly afford to lose able wolves, especially at a time like this when every member was needed desperately.
aiming for Warrior, Guardian, and Advisor specializations
Messages In This Thread
a graven life, the stain of her memory - by Atticus - July 03, 2014, 05:27 PM
RE: a graven life, the stain of her memory - by Dante RIP - July 14, 2014, 10:02 PM