Blackfoot Forest If it hurts at all you ain't showed it yet
<div><span style="font-family:georgia;font-weight:bold; font-weight:lighter; font-style:italic; color:#badfe6; font-size:14px;"><div><span style="color:#dd6484;">b</span><span style="color:#d7728f;">e</span><span style="color:#d07f9a;">a</span><span style="color:#ca8da5;">u</span><span style="color:#c49aaf;">t</span><span style="color:#bea8ba;">y</span><span style="color:#b7b5c5;"> </span><span style="color:#b1c3d0;">a</span><span style="color:#b6aab3;">n</span><span style="color:#ba9195;">d</span><span style="color:#bf7878;"> </span><span style="color:#c4605a;">r</span><span style="color:#c9473d;">a</span><span style="color:#cd2e1f;">g</span><span style="color:#d21502;">e</span></div></div>
107 Posts
Ooc — Natalie

Taken back by his quick change in attitude, Kipling froze, not quite sure how to consider it. It unnerved her, but she definitely preferred it rather than being nipped and chased or worse, seeing as he was more muscle to her lank. Still, it came as a surprising twist, and she awkwardly attempted to mimic the good nature, tugging at her muzzle into some semblance of a grin; it wasn't very genuine though and showed plainly on her face. There were some things even a practiced liar could not lie about.

Well, yeah, I guess. I mean the way you're putting it, it sounds kinda bad, I'm just trying to, you know... Kipling trailed off, not yet sure how she wanted to convey current situation. The she-wolf didn't feel very confident, stating she was alone and lost and trying to find some way over the mountains that didn't require too much climbing. Spilling the beans about all of that seemed like the worse possible option when the male was so quick to change his demeanor, she already felt like she was tiptoeing around broken glass.

So she changed the subject, Are you okay? Because I heard some stuff over this way, and you're the only wolf I've seen so far... Not to mention is voice was strained, so it must have been him. Was this his still daily breakdown routine? What exactly had happened, or was happening? Kipling was still trying to decipher whether walking into this was something she'd eventually regret.

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Messages In This Thread
If it hurts at all you ain't showed it yet - by Jace - July 14, 2014, 11:13 AM
RE: If it hurts at all you ain't showed it yet - by Kipling - July 17, 2014, 10:49 AM